
Legal & tax consulting

Legal & Tax Consulting

Every business needs professional legal support, and, as a rule, this is not a one-time case, but situations where long-term support is required. We offer three subscription service packages that are classified according to the number of legal services and consultations on tax matters.

Among services: unlimited number of consultations, preparation of legal opinions, development and legal examination of contracts, client’s representation during negotiations, pre-trial settlement of disputes.

Tax Disputes

Taxpayers frequently need to dispute the authorities’ decisions after conducted tax audits. Our lawyers protect client’s interests in courts of appeal and cassation, as well as during supervision proceedings.

For more than 15 years of work with tax disputes, our specialists have formed successful procedure for their resolution. It comes from pre-trial proceedings and preparing appeals to a higher tax authority to participation in the interrogation of witnesses and settlement of tax disputes in court.

Tax Audit

Tax Audit is an integral part of the company’s activities. It is carried out in order to determine the accuracy of calculation of the applicable taxes and fees, legitimacy of using tax benefits, the status of mandatory payments for the current period.

Our specialists conduct an examination of the company’s taxation system, check the correctness of the calculation of taxes and payments, make an audit report describing all identified mistakes and recommendations for their elimination.


The main goal of litigation services is to resolve clients’ dispute. Our lawyers are skilled in handling court-based disputes and preparing and managing cases. Their expertise includes pre-trial settlement, developing of detailed case strategy and representation clients’ interests in litigation proceedings.

We provide services on corporate, antimonopoly, financial, commercial, tax disputes. On our practice we have solved cases for industrial enterprises, medical equipment distributors, oil and gas industry companies and other large commercial organizations.

Intellectual Property

We provide legal support related to registration and use of intellectual property rights, including trademarks and service marks, patent investigations, know-how and business methods, software and databases.

As part of intellectual property services our specialists conduct due diligence, prepare licensing agreements, protect the rights in case of unfair competition.

Capital Transactions / M&A

We assist with legal due diligence, structuring of the transaction, preparation of share purchase agreement and other related documents (share options, guarantee), implementation of the transaction, including registration of the share transfer, and confirmation with the public authorities.

We provide support for capital transactions (M&A) for both, the seller and the buyer, on all stages, and in different jurisdictions, in accordance with their legislation and regulatory requirements.

Due Dilligence

Our due diligence services include risk assessment associated with capital transactions, change of company management, reorganization or business restructuring. Our experts conduct both financial and legal due diligence.

We have a comprehensive approach to the procedure, so it consists of analysis of information and documents, interview of the authorized persons, report preparation, including an assessment of current situation and a forecast of possible risks.

AML & Compliance

Operating a business across multiple countries requires dealing with regulatory requirements, which change and become more complicated from year to year. So compliance with global anti-money laundering (AML) standards continues to be a key part of company activity.

As part of AML and compliance services we do client activity monitoring and document analysis, information check in international compliance databases, Know Your Client procedure (KYC), determination of client’s risk level and other required activities.

Corporate Governance

Ongoing company and compliance advice to corporate clients that covers all elements of company law, AML, data protection, corporate procedures and other issues relevant to the specific industry, analyzing corporate policies, shareholders’ relations.

We assist in legal structuring of the companies or holdings, optimize stakeholder’s relations including ESOP, management and fiduciary duties.


The financial investigation is conducted in order to prevent corporate fraud, as well as possible encroachment on the company’s property and its improper use. As part of forensic our specialists collect and analyze information about the activity of the company, identify the cause of occurrence of deviations or violations.

As a result –  provide a report on the collected evidence and discovered incidents, prepare an expert opinion for its’ use in court.


Private wealth

Family Office Support

Family Office is a complex legal and information service aimed at the legal solution of personal financial problems as well as at protecting the family asset from commercial and political risks.

As part of Family Office services, our specialists provide capital and risk management, trust management and corporate services, inheritance planning, life and property insurance, assistance in implementation of family business projects.

Family Constitution

Family Constitution is an effective tool for structuring and managing of wealth. It is a set of rules on how family members will manage and dispose of their assets and business.

Our family constitution services include collecting and analyzing information about family members and assets; development of rules for participation in family business and financing of projects; localization and establishment of asset management rules; drafting of document.

Tax Returns

The preparation and filing of tax returns is the responsibility of not only legal entities, but also individuals. Specialists of the Private Wealth practice can advise on tax calculation issues, as well as accompany during the declaration campaign.

We can help with filling out and submission of the 3-PIT tax return form, notification of a controlled foreign company (CFC), notification of participation in a foreign organization, and other types of tax reporting.

Migration Services / Relocation

As part of migration services, our specialists assist  with obtaining a residence permit, visas and citizenship in different countries; accompany the process of relocation of businesses and employees.

Our services include legal advice at all stages of relocation; communication with the migration service and preparation of necessary documents; assistance with opening bank accounts in foreign banks. 

Private Yachts & Planes

Specialists of the Private Wealth practice provide services in supporting transactions related to the acquisition of expensive vehicles.

We advise on all issues related to the management of high-value assets, including the choice of ownership structure, cross-border sales, the choice of an effective jurisdiction, tax optimization and structuring of income from the use of vehicles.
